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I think this is the area of the Hall of Paeonia Suffruticosa. (It is not indicated on the garden map.) Here's the plaque info:

The Hall of Paeonia Suffruticosa

Records indicate that there existed a paeonia suffruticosa and paeonia lactiflora nursery which was abandoned many years ago. It has now been restored to its former condition. The chief building, know as the Hall of Paeonia Suffruticosa, was moved and rebuilt here from the Xies' residence at Tao Hua Wu. The idea originated from a line of verse by Li Bai that says "The spring breez is stroking gently the balustrades and paeonia suffruticosa is web with dew." There are over 300 paeonia suffruticosa and paeonia lactiflora plants here covering 20 species.

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