The X-Factor - End Game. Four Summary Dont's

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  1. Don't be humble about your academic ability. You have tremendous potential. The "X" factor in college success is persistence. Remember excellence often equals effort level. "Smart" students are smart because they have learned how to learn. They study on a regular systematic schedule, and they know that college is very different than high school.
  2. Don't specialize too early. The best major may be undeclared. Wait to see what college offers. Explore the curriculum. Find out what's "in" college before selecting a major. Don't be afraid of changing your mind. Virtually every student changes once or twice.
  3. Don't pick classes. Choose great teachers. Spend some time learning who the good teachers are. Visit them in their offices. Get to know a few professors. They are wonderful sources of inspiration and information.
  4. Don't be passive about your education. Stay alert. Take notes on your reading assignments and on lectures. Review often. Ask questions in class. Find out about internships, field trips, and overseas study. Attend guest lectures when interesting people visit campus, go to foreign films, join a club or intramural team. Learn what college has to offer. "Engaging" college on different levels and new areas will make you a stronger more interesting, and perhaps, more marketable student.

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Good Luck! Remember the "X" factor....